Going in battle alone specially when your dealing a High-level Boss against you is really pain and time/energy consuming specially if you don't equiped with good gears. One best way to face this Big Monsters is too call for help from your team :).
Here are the steps how to call them if you need a helping a hand:
1. Once in your in the battle online your facebook chat . This will activate your "Invite" button in the Boss Panel.
2. Click the "Invite" and it will show all your friends list. Select the friend you want to help you but it should be he's in your Team.
3. A link will be sent to your friend and he needs to click it to direct him in your battle field.
the link is should be look like this :
4. Now with your join forces you can enjoy killing your pray. You can also do the chat to make your strategy. Once the Battle end , the loot will be given to you and a compliment of "Thanks" to your partner :)
5. Using this link you can send this to your Team if you need help without going to the "Invite"