This will guide you step by step to your journey in searching gears. This guide is not in a particular classes meaning its applicable to any kind of class regarding their bonuses or specializations.
Opening Screen:
Once you have selected your class , you will be find yourself in the Map Screen. The Map Screen is where you navigate and switch places. Every screen has its own level requirement and as you level up a new screen will be availble for your quest. The first Availble screen is The Cemetary and this is for level-1 class.
The Cemetary
If you gonna look at top-menu you will a Old-Man that tells you about the TUTORIAL. I may say follow the tutorial to get a bonus gear like the enchanted dagger. Once you have completed the TUTORIAL you'll be awarded with enchanted dagger, its not pretty strong thu, but in early level its the best weapon . If you don't listen to the old guy just proceed to the "Quest" link on the Top-Menu and you'll be dropped in the same place but without the bonus gear.
For your quest nothing much to do here but to acquire more gears and to fill-up in your empty gear slots. If you have followed the TUTORIAL you might know already the used of your Books, Back-Pack and Gear Inventory.
see more details about Using Books, Back-pack and Gear Inventory
Now you supposed to be in Level-6 or above and the next step is to try to beat the BOSS. In Graveyard there is only one BOSS and unlike other BOSS it doesn't need to respawn but the Bad News is you can only fight him until Level-9 so the idea is fight him as earl as possible. To kill this BOSS you just need to be high attack and high armor but if you don't have good gears with you can try to ask HELP for your team buy sending INVITE to them.