Cleric is awesome class if you don't want people to bother you from looting or busy from other things. If you hate fighting then this is the Class for you :).
Cleric is only available if you want to change class , after you have selected your character in the first selection.
Here are the steps to become Cleric:
1. Go to your page by clicking the "Character" in the top-menu.
2. At the right-side of the panels you will see the gift from the King, it should be on the way bottom.
3. Receive the "Change Stone" - its a purple stone that looks like a dragon egg :). This will enable you to change class instantly.
4. A fifth class will be available and you can now choose Cleric .
5. Congartulation your now a Cleric, now go for Love and now WAR.
Clerics are immune to Player vs Player combat due to their holiness. They like to enjoy their GearQuest and wouldn't hurt a fly.
The Cleric is a player class closest to the GearQuest Gods. The class has been granted special Player vs Player immunity so that they may server the Gods well, in peace.
At the moment the cleric is only available via class change at The King.
Cleric Benefits
Clerics may not be attacked by anyone unless they break their commandments.
Cleric Specializations
Counter Tactics
Cleric Commandments
Cleric Policy
Clerics shall not attack anyone.
Clerics shall not heal anyone who has taken part in battle in the last 15 minutes.
Clerics shall not enter any zones marked as PvP zones (coming soon!)
Breaking the commandments will cause a cleric to be attackable for 48 hours (2 real days).